

1777 Charleville

french napoleonic musket 1777_1The 1777 Charleville was used only towards the tail end of The Revolution. Rochambeau’s troops most likely were outfitted with this version of the Charleville at Yorktown. I’ve owned this firelock for over a year now and have thoroughly enjoyed it.

As you notice by the clips below, my friends enjoy giving me a goodnatured hard time. When I visit the gun range on a Saturday, most people express some curiosity as to why I fire such an antiquated weapon.

As a lover of history, this is a way I can connect to the period of The Revolution in a very concrete way. It is very much a craft that I like to think of in terms of archery. It is the nature of the craft and the process of spending time outside, firing, and cleaning the weapon that is a source of fun for me.


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