
Almost done, but good enough for Brattonsville. Came in handy too. Learned (through repeated trial and error) the back stitch, cross stitch, hem stitch. Pretty therapeutic honestly, when you don’t count the aggravation of realizing you stitched 3 foot of cloth the wrong way…


I’ve taken the dive into hand sewing a hunting frock. I’m a newbie at every essential part of this process (even down to watching how to YouTube videos for stitching basics). With the help of Luis Cruz of the 6th North Carolina, I hope to get at least something minimally useful.

My achilles heel in projects like this is my patience. Once I begin to rush, attention to detail goes out the window and things go down hill. Patience is my ally.

I listen to the radio while I work in my musket room. Normally talk radio or the perpetually mediocre Atlanta Hawks play by play of Steve Holman. Holman is probably the closest homer we’ve had in Atlanta sports since the passing of Larry Munson–except with Munson insurmountable obstacle was always the opponent–“did you see the SIZE of those guys??” For Holman, its normally the refs–“I can’t believe they did/did not make that CALL!!”. I give Holman credit, he makes even the Atlanta fan’s familiar pang of disappointment somewhat entertaining. WP_20170419_22_00_56_Pro